Hidden Secrets: The Unseen Side of USA's Top 10 Attractions

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Statue of Liberty: This iconic statue was a gift from France and was originally a reddish-brown color. The green patina we see today is due to natural oxidation.

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Grand Canyon: There’s a hidden cave within, known as the "Cave of Domes", the only cave in the Grand Canyon which tourists can explore.

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Mount Rushmore: Behind Lincoln's head is a chamber containing sixteen porcelain enamel panels inscribed with the story of the monument and its creators.

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Yellowstone National Park: Within its boundaries lies the Yellowstone Supervolcano, capable of an eruption of magnitude that we’ve never seen in human history.

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Disneyland: There's a secret, invite-only club called Club 33. Unless you're a member or know one, you'll never see the inside of it.

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Times Square: Beneath it lies the New York City’s "Ghost Subway Station", untouched and unseen by the public.

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Alcatraz Island: The infamous prison had its own secret underground tunnel system which is still shrouded in mystery.

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The White House: This famous building has a twin! There's an exact replica in Ireland, built in 1740, which predates the American version.

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Las Vegas Strip: Beneath the glitz and glamour, there's a series of flood tunnels that is home to hundreds of Las Vegas’ homeless.

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Niagara Falls: There's a "hidden" waterfall, the "Bridal Veil Falls", smaller and lesser-known than the main falls.

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