Sep 25,2023

UNESCO World Heritage Sites: A Global Treasure

By Jessica H.

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Great Wall of China


The Great Wall, spanning over 13,000 miles, is an architectural marvel steeped in history.

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Machu Picchu, Peru


Explore the ancient Inca city perched high in the Andes, shrouded in mist and mystery.

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Taj Mahal, India


Explore the ancient Inca city perched high in the Andes, shrouded in mist and mystery.

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Petra, Jordan


Uncover the secrets of the Rose City, an archaeological wonder hidden in the desert.

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Pyramids of Egypt


Marvel at the colossal pyramids that have fascinated explorers and historians for centuries.

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Serengeti National Park, Tanzania


Experience the breathtaking wildlife and landscapes of Africa's iconic safari destination.

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Venice, Italy


Explore the enchanting canals, art, and history of the unique city on water.

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Galápagos Islands, Ecuador


Dive into the pristine beauty and unique biodiversity of the Galápagos archipelago.

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Statue of Liberty, USA


Learn about the enduring symbol of freedom and democracy in the heart of New York City.

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Angkor Wat, Cambodia


Unearth the mysteries of the largest religious monument in the world, nestled in the Cambodian jungle.

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